Central governing bodies
Kindergarten services accessing Queensland kindergarten funding must be members of a central governing body.
These organisations will help you with questions about:
- directing Queensland Government funding
- providing an inclusive program
- maximising enrolments
- managing enrolment processes.
Independent Schools Queensland
Email: ec@isq.qld.edu.au
Phone: (07) 3228 1515
Queensland Catholic Education Commission (QCEC)
Email: cgb@qcec.catholic.edu.au
Phone: (07) 3316 5845
Queensland Lutheran Early Childhood Services (QLECS)
Email: admin@qlecs.org.au
Phone: (07) 3511 4079
The Crèche and Kindergarten Association Limited (C&K)
Email: cgb@candk.asn.au
Phone: (07) 3552 5333
Lady Gowrie
Email: cgbadmin@ladygowrie.com.au
Phone: (07) 3252 2667